The End Of The Feed In Tafiff
14 January 2019 |
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It's time to stop looking at PV systems as money making schemes and look at them for the very thing they are designed for ......Clean, silent, safe and efficient renewable energy.
With the end of the Feed In Tariff in sight it is time to move on to the real business of making Renewable Energy a "real alternative to fossil fuels" the quote which our Managing Director started Sundial Solar Solutions with 10 years ago.
Solar PV panels were never designed to be a money making scheme, they are simply a cean, silent, effective and safe way of generating elctricity for domestic and commercial clients. With ever increasing energy prices and Battery Storage systems now a viable option, now is the time to take controll and end our reliance on the big 6!!
For domestic systems you can now store your excess energy instead of selling it so you have it stored onsite to use when you are not generating making the home even more self sufficient.
We started back in 2009 before the Feed In Tariff was around and we planc to continue.